How do you bill for your services?
We bill upon completion of services. Many business clients opt for a flat monthly billing reviewed annually. We provide a thirty-day grace period before late fees apply as stated on each of our invoices.

What kind of services do you provide?
For a detailed description of our services, please visit the Services page.

What hours are you available?
We are available during normal business hours, which are 8:30 to 5:30, Monday through Friday. We would be happy to make special arrangements for evening or weekend consultations.

What role do you play responding to the IRS audits?
We will spend up to one full hour responding to the IRS audit at no charge. After that, our regular fees apply.

How much and what kind of preparation do you need for my return?
We accept materials in almost every imaginable form. We provide a free tax organizer to assist you in compiling tax data for your income tax return preparation.

How can I pay my invoice online?